How greasy food affect health?

Fried chicken, French fries, pizza, burgers and other fatty foods that are dripping with oil should be consumed in moderation to avoid increasing the risk of disease and weight gain. Steaming or baking or roasting, Broiling and grilling food choices healthier and less fat to cook. Health effects of fatty foods depends not only on how greasy it is but also on whether you use oil saturated or unsaturated.

Increase the risk of obesity
Foods fried in oil, often referred to as fat when it shows on food, higher in calories due to high calorie content. 100 g fried chicken, for example, has about 60 calories more than 100 g fried chicken. "Greasiness" food depends on how you cook it, the amount of oil that you use. Use a little oil in a frying pan cook the food makes the food a bit oily and shallow frying makes it more greasy frying makes it particularly greasy and high in calories. When you eat more calories than you burn in a day, your body stores extra energy. Continue this pattern over time causes weight gain, which can lead to being overweight or obese.

Reduce the consumption of foods
I found a study published in the journal of Zhejiang University "in 2011 as bamboo shoots in oil frying fat content increased by more than 500 percent. Meanwhile reduced the content of protein and amino acids. Another study found published in the same magazine 2009 compared to all other cooking modes, frying with oil has caused heavy losses of vitamin c and chlorophyll in broccoli. Eating too many fried food because frying foods lowers the levels of micro-nutrients, nutritional deficiencies can cause potential.

High triglycerides and cholesterol levels in the blood
Food can be fried fat saturated or unsaturated. Saturated fat, and solid or semi-solid when stored at room temperature and shortening, stick margarine, lard, coconut oil India, palm oil and palm oil. Unsaturated fats are liquid at room temperature, including vegetable oil based margarine soft. If you fry your food, healthier in the unsaturated fat. Saturated fats increase your cholesterol levels, while polyunsaturated fats can improve blood cholesterol levels. It recommends that "American Heart Association" Limiting saturated fat intake to more than 6 percent of total daily calories to maintain healthy levels of cholesterol. On a diet of 2,000 calories is about 12 grams of saturated fat.

Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
Significantly the consumption of fatty foods that are cooked in saturated fat raises blood cholesterol levels, is a high risk of heart disease and stroke. Cause a lot of saturated fat plaque accumulates in the arteries over time, block blood flow and cause a high risk of heart attack and stroke.

1 comment:

  1. Increased risk of heart attack and stroke
    Significantly the consumption of fatty foods
